Polymer Shutters

Polymer Shutters

Another fabulous room makeover. Completed with Polymer Shutters by our fantastic new team member Nik. Call in and see us today and we can help you create a perfect, yet functional finish to your windows. Sarah’s Place Creative ideas for your place Curtains &...
When only shutters will do!

When only shutters will do!

They really do finish off bathrooms fabulously. This home in Dalyellup just wanted an uplift – so I obliged!! https://sarahsplace.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/When-only-shutters-will-do-video-Oct20.mp4 Call in and see us today and we can help you create a...
Love These Shutters

Love These Shutters

Our clients had this to say: Love the shutters, they look awesome! They are just the finish to my bathroom renovation! Thanks again. Call in and see us today and we can help you create a perfect, yet functional finish to your windows.